Sunday, November 13, 2011

Being Told I'm Not Normal Enough

I've just been told by someone else diagnosed with a different personality disorder that I don't have a strong enough perception of reality in my view of life. How is that for pot calling the kettle black? I'm done with people. I'm done with trying to date people who always leave after a couple of weeks. It makes me terribly sad. I hate being told that I need to "double down" on some therapy. I know I'm not perfect. But who are you to judge where a person is at in their mental illness?

I don't live with my family. I maintain a full time job. I pay all my bills. I feel like I'm coping relatively well with my diagnosis. And it's not like it's easy or something. I feel like I'm accomplishing something by getting to work on time. Hell, just getting to work is an accomplishment some days. I'm just so fed up with trying to explain myself, my position, my mental illness. Just because you're in more therapy than I am does not give you the right to tell me that I'm more fucked up than you. You're no professional. You've only talked to me a couple of weeks. Why am I wasting my breathe on you?

And now my sadness turns to anger.

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